I Made Aaron Salsa!
Here’s a quick break from the July UK Cruise posts. This summer, Aaron has been participating in a gardening club at his school, McCracken. Yesterday was the last day, and they were harvesting their garden. Most of the food went to a food pantry, but the kids got to take home some veggies. So Aaron came home with two tomatoes, a jalapeno, and some basil as well as some other stuff. So I’m sitting at the kitchen table, looking at these potentially delicious fresh veggies, thinking what kind of sandwich I would make with them. Then it dawned on me – something snapped, and I decided that I *really* wanted some Salsa. With no cilantro, I had to Google “salsa no cilantro” and came up with some great recipes, which included basil instead of cilantro.
The only problem was lack of onions, and the recipe I decided on called for Balsamic vinegar. I figured I could cheat a bit, and went to the store and bought a red onion and some Balsamic vinegar. Came home, stuck everything in the blender, and then refrigerated for an hour, and – Viola! – I had Salsa, with (nearly) 100% ingredients grown by Aaron at McCracken.
Aaron tried it, and approves. The recipe is after the jump.
Fresh Tomato Salsa
1 medium tomato, chopped fine
1/4 red onion, chopped fine
1 small jalapeno pepper , chopped fine
2T. balsamic vinegar
8-10 fresh Basil leaves
1 T. olive oil
Combine ingredients and chill for at least an hour before serving. Instead of chopping all the ingredients, I place them in my food processor and pulse for only a few seconds. Careful not to overprocess. If you do not want it to be too spicy hot, remove part of the seeds from the jalapeno pepper.