Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What’s Up in June?

So here’s a sampling of what goes on in June for the Humphries-Dolnicks:

  • The School District 73.5 end-of-year picnic is this Thursday.  I’ll try to get pics of the kids playing.
  • AYSO Areafest for Aaron next Sunday – our AYSO team will take on AYSO teams from Deerfield and Glenview.
  • AYSO Tri-Regional Tournament on June 14th
  • Aaron & Ethan’s birthday party at Laser Zone in Glenview on June 21
  • AYSO Sectional Tournament on June 27th and 28th
  • Then some R&R on July 4th Weekend!  (Oh yeah and fireworks at Niles West of course…)

Pics as they happen…

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 7:48 pm  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It’s that time of year – the period between posts when either there’s nothing to post about, or no time to do it.  Pretty soon summer will be upon us, and I’m sure we’ll have a lot going on.  But meanwhile… yawn.

So here are a few quick news updates, for those of you who must have them:

  • Aaron and Marla went to a Sox game in April
  • In early May, Aaron won a field trip to a Cubs game from his school
  • For the third quarter, Aaron once again made High Honors
  • Aaron’s annual band concert was last night.  Sorry, no pics or recordings
  • Aaron, Ethan, and Justin are all in AYSO soccer, which is about 2/3 through the spring season.  Marla and Mike continue to coach them

That’s about it.  If I have anything to post pictures of, I will.  Summer’s just around the corner…

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 4:32 pm  

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