Aaron’s team won, 6-3. Justin’s team lost 1-7, and Ethan’s team lost 0-5. Both Justin and Aaron’s teams have W’s on the board now, and I’m working on putting up a W for Ethan’s team (8 year olds – will they ever play their assigned position?)
Sorry, no pictures, maybe next time 🙂
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 5:04 pm
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Today was the first game of the kid’s fall soccer season. Justin scored a key goal, Ethan played goal keeper in a regulation game for the first time, and Aaron held off a very strong team’s attack at goal keeper.  Not everyone won, but everyone had a great time playing.
The kids, in their new uniforms.
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 5:24 pm
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School has started, everyone’s back to their routines, and everyone seems to be adjusting to their new grades (and new school, in Justin’s case) very well. Aaron is in eight grade and Symphonic Band, which means he has to practice every day at 7:20 A.M. Wow, seems like school starts a lot earlier than when I was a kid, but hey… it’s Symphonic Band, I guess that’s the price you pay. Ethan’s in third grade and high math. Justin’s starting 1st grade.
All the soccer schedules are out, and amazingly we have very few conflicts. I’ll miss one of Aaron’s games because I have to coach Ethan’s team (in a game). Otherwise, overlaps are minimal. I’m coaching Ethan’s U10 team, and assisting Aaron’s U14 team. Marla is my assistant coach on Ethan’s U10 team, and she’s coaching Justin’s U8 team. Games, practices, and school… that’ll be our life for the next eight weeks!
By the way, if you’re on Facebook, look for my video page (friend me up, if you haven’t already) and you’ll see some cool videos of our trip. Enjoy!
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 2:15 pm
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