Happy Birthday, Mom!
Here’s a little music to celebrate your 70th!
Another Day, Another Llama Video
Here’s a quick break from the July UK Cruise posts. This summer, Aaron has been participating in a gardening club at his school, McCracken. Yesterday was the last day, and they were harvesting their garden. Most of the food went to a food pantry, but the kids got to take home some veggies. So Aaron came home with two tomatoes, a jalapeno, and some basil as well as some other stuff. So I’m sitting at the kitchen table, looking at these potentially delicious fresh veggies, thinking what kind of sandwich I would make with them. Then it dawned on me – something snapped, and I decided that I *really* wanted some Salsa. With no cilantro, I had to Google “salsa no cilantro” and came up with some great recipes, which included basil instead of cilantro.
The only problem was lack of onions, and the recipe I decided on called for Balsamic vinegar. I figured I could cheat a bit, and went to the store and bought a red onion and some Balsamic vinegar. Came home, stuck everything in the blender, and then refrigerated for an hour, and – Viola! – I had Salsa, with (nearly) 100% ingredients grown by Aaron at McCracken.
Aaron tried it, and approves. The recipe is after the jump.
After BP CEO Tony Hayward’s beating on Capital Hill yesterday, the UK’s Guardian put it best: “Tony Hayward: Like a nervous statue under a whole flock of pigeons.” They even made reference to a famous David Brent quote, “You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue.”
I bet Tony feels a lot like David Brent lately.
OK I know, I said no more political posts. Â But I’m making an exception, becauseÂ
A) It’s funny
B) It’s tagged “Llama”, not “Politics”
Turn Up The Sound, and Sing Along!
So I published a comment that my brother posted (4 days ago, tells you how often I check for new comments… sorry!) and MT rebuilt my blog as per normal. Usually when it does this, it sort of re-jiggers the current front page posts so that they fit nicely within the borders of the webpage, while also dumping older posts. This time, when it rebuilt, it left my webpage totally blank. Weird. So this is a post to jump-start it again.
Oh yea, the comment from Kelly – apparently he and I bought the EXACT SAME PLASMA TV this winter. Once again, weird.
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