My aunt Marylin (Mimi, as she was known to us when we were kids) passed this summer of complications from Alzheimer’s disease. The last time Mimi was at a family event was the family reunion in New Mexico in 2004 (or was it 2002?) Anyway, the last time I saw Mimi was at the Chicago reunion, because we couldn’t make it to New Mexico because of one of our kids being born.
Her memorial was in Colorado Springs at the end of August. Most of us arrived Friday afternoon, and had dinner at Fargo’s, a Colorado Springs favorite spot for many years. Saturday we did some sightseeing, and then attended the memorial service itself where everyone shared stories. Afterwards, we went to the Flying W Ranch, where we ate a chuckwagon dinner and watched their music show. We left Sunday, and others stuck around to sightsee.
Pictures are here.
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 7:26 pm
So we’re back from my Aunt’s memorial. Some tear-jerker moments, as well as some fun. My family does know how to have a good time, sometimes, when they get together. It’d just be nice to have fun for it’s own sake, instead of because we’re all in town for a funeral. I’ve got pictures of Colorado Springs, I’ll put ’em up later this week.
Aaron is in Honors Lit, and was also just re-accepted to the JV Soccer team in school. He’s also still playing AYSO of course. Games all start next week, although practice for both is already well underway. He’s also taking 2nd year Spanish, which is odd because he never took first year. Apparently a snafu at the school scheduling office. So he’s now got a Spanish tutor, because if they move him to first year Spanish, he’ll have to drop Honors Lit. Sigh.
Justin’s in Kindergarten, and he seems to be adjusting to it well so far. Ethan’s in second grade, and now instead of asking for homework and getting really simple spelling or reading assignments to keep him from complaining about not getting enough homework, he’s now getting mandatory Math assignments, and tough ones at that. That’ll keep him quiet for a while!
The beat goes on…
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 10:07 am