Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

As usual, we drove to visit both families this year – Marla’s first, then mine.  The kids had a great time playing games at both houses.

Get your Humphries-Dolnick Thanksgiving Picture fix HERE.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 9:46 pm  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Justin was Mad!

Here’s one of those odds and ends I promised: a picture taken of Justin while he was mad.


Mad Justin

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 12:37 pm  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Summer Picture Catch-Up

Yeah, it’s been a while.  How are you?  I’m doing well, thanks.  We did, in fact, do stuff this summer and I’m just now getting around to posting some pictures of it all.

First, Aaron played in the Section 6 tournaments again this year, and we won a few medals.
Then, my new emloyer had their “Take Your Kids To Work Day“, complete with Mr. Freeze.

Then of course we enjoyed the 4th of July festivities.

Lastly, we took a trip to the Oregon coast for our family reunion.

I have a few more random odds and ends, which I will hopefully post soon.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 12:05 pm  

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