Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Sunday, June 27, 2010

AYSO Section 6 Tournament

Again, it’s about playing – not winning or losing.  Aaron and his tournament team-mates played hard, lost 3 and won 1, and had a blast.  Here are the pictures.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 12:20 am  

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Skokie AYSO Rockford Tournament

Aaron’s AYSO U14 tournament team attended practices for many weeks, endured drills upon drills and finally went to Rockford, Illinois for the “Rock Your Socks Off” tournament, a sort-of AYSO Area D tournament.  Despite losing several games, the team was pumped and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  Pictures are HERE.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 11:44 pm  

Friday, June 18, 2010

On Statues and Pigeons…

After BP CEO Tony Hayward’s beating on Capital Hill yesterday, the UK’s Guardian put it best: “Tony Hayward: Like a nervous statue under a whole flock of pigeons.”  They even made reference to a famous David Brent quote, “You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue.”

I bet Tony feels a lot like David Brent lately.


Tony Hayward: Like a nervous statue under a whole flock of pigeons

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 10:43 am  

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