4th Candle Lighting – Hanukkah 2009
By this time in the second century BCE, the Macabees must have been pretty amazed!
Each night this year, we’ve been reading a Hanukkah meditations – basically topics to think about during Hanukkah, when most people (kids) are just thinking about presents. I don’t know if it’s sunk in, but each night we stop the normal Hanukkah present madness to read them a passage. Tonight, we talked about a particularly appropriate topic – the kids, both Jewish and not, around the world who go to bed hungry every night. It’s appropriate because, even with our family’s latest financial challenges to overcome, we still have a full refrigerator and three meals are put on the table every day. The safety net is there for us, and with it, we should strive to help those who don’t have a safety net get the most basic sustenance.
Ah well enough philosophy, you want the pics, right? :)Â Happy Hanukkah.