Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Report: The FBI hated, reviled, um… ignored George Carlin

The FBI has released their “file” on George Carlin, after his daughter requested it under the Freedom of Information Act.  One would think this would be one hell of a juicy file on the man who made fun of J. Edgar Hoover on television and, of course, often repeated those seven words you can never say on television.

What muckracking did Carlin get himself into?  What secret data did they store?  What plans did the FBI have to track him, listen to him, and perhaps lean on him?

Turns out, not much.  In his FBI file were copies of several letters that upright, concerned citizens sent the FBI about his appearances on T.V. in 1969 and 1970.  Included in the file were thank you notes that the FBI sent back to those concerned citizens.

And that’s about it.

One note in his file from an agent asks “What do we know about Carlin?”  and another memo notes that they “have no data on Carlin.”

Carlin’s daughter Kelly was quoted as saying that the contents of the file “kind of disappoints me”, implying that she expected that she was disappointed that her anti-government father had not garnered more attention.


posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 10:01 pm  

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