Aaron’s Winter 2008 Band Concert
Enough political blogging, feh, I’m sick of it! ;-).
Last Thursday night was Aaron’s Winter band concert; recall that Aaron plays the trombone.  Pictures are HERE, however because of the heavy mercury lighting in the McCracken Middle School gym, my point-and-shoot camera could not focus or auto set the shutter speed correctly, so the pictures came out kind of blurry. See if you can find him.
Of course, you can’t *hear* the concert from the pictures, and I had no luck trying to record it this year. Sorry, hopefully I’ll have some sound bytes from the Spring concert.
I found him easily. Both He and Marla have green faces, but that’s OK. I know it’s them.
The Nana
Comment by catlady — November 22, 2008 @ 4:38 pm