Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Primary Fever

John McCain tonight won Republican primaries in Vermont, Ohio, Texas, Venezuela, and Iran, clinching the Republican nomination for President.

As of now, Obama has locked Vermont.  Clinton has a commanding lead in Ohio, although none of the networks are calling Ohio for her yet because they’re all a bunch of wussies (the networks, not Ohioans).  For the Dems, Texas is too close to call.   It looks like it might be a split across the two big remaining states (Ohio and Texas) – my prediction is that Obama will take Texas and Clinton will take Ohio.  Doing the delegate math in my head, that’ll leave Obama with around 1300 and Clinton with around 1200, a difference of less than 5% between them with 65% of the delegates assigned.

It’s going to be a photo finish for the Dems, that’s for sure.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 8:16 pm  

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