Impact of McCain S.C. Win
The impact of the John McCain win in New Hampshire and now South Carolina makes the race for the Republican nomination even more interesting. Offset by Romney’s win in Nevada, it still leaves the current leaderboard effectively a three-way tie. Granted, Romney has nearly 30% more delegates than his nearest competitor, all still have far less than 100 each and need 1191 delegates in order to lock. Thus when you see Romney has 59 to Huckabee’s 39 or McCain’s paltry 36, even that 59 pales in comparison to the 1191 that Romney needs in order to win it. So, as they say, the race is wide open and it looks like Super Tuesday (and maybe Illinois???) have a chance to decide it.
Here’s the leaderboard as of now:
Mitt Romney 59
Mike Huckabee 39
John McCain 36
Fred Thompson 5
Ron Paul 4
Duncan Hunter 2
Rudy Guliani 1
The remaining candidates have zero delegates.