Spyware Uncovered
This is why people should simply not download anything off the ‘Net. These guys have a blog entry that is, essentially, dedicated to taking apart spyware and malware from software you can download free from the internet.
It starts innocently enough – download that cute puppy wallpaper or screensaver free HERE! During the install routine, there is a dizzying and confusing array of windows popping up. You just click through all of them.
Spying is the least of your worries. The wittless ramblings of some poor schmo is of little use to them. They change your system settings. They even redirect you to different sites when you try to visit reputable online vendors. Sometimes they infect you with viruses and rootkits.
I like visiting these sites. I run Mozilla on Linux. Windows malware doesn’t do very much damage to my computer :). You should read the blog, and be sure to avoid these sites.