Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Friday, April 13, 2007

Site Administratia – French Visitors

I was spelunking through the site logs recently and noticed that a lot of people are using the search function to try to find the French version of this site.  I understand their frustration, what with "Famille" being a French word and all, I guess somehow it follows that the entire site should either be in French, or at least have a French translation.  So, to make sure that this post comes up whenever they search, I am putting the following search terms in to ensure that their search efforts get a hit:

en francais

french site

There.  Now that you’re here, here is a message that Google Translator told me to give you:

Ce n’est pas un emplacement français. Il n’y a aucun Français là-dessus (excepté ce paragraphe). Il a appelé « Famille Du Pentium » parce que c’est ma famille, et il y a de cinq de nous. L’obtenir ? Bon. Merci pour visiter.
posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 10:49 pm  

1 Comment

  1. BwaaHaHaHaHa Quel Fromage!

    Comment by Jan Junod — April 14, 2007 @ 9:55 am

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