European Vacation & Cruise – Recap and Highlights
So for those of you too tired, bored, afraid, or otherwise uninterested to look at all the pictures, in all their glory, or read all the blog entries, after the jump I’ll post some pictorial highlights from the trip.  There might be one or two more posts about the cruise, but it’s all starting to wrap up now. Note: I haven’t gone through any of the pictures and deleted the stupid shots, finger-in-the-lens shots, or anything else boring. You have been warned. Now, where’s that pesky “more” button? Oh yeah, here it is.
First, a quick and cute story. On one of the days in London, while Marla, Justin, and Aaron were on the Harry Potter tour, I took Ethan to the arcade. He took Flat Stanley with him, for pictures, but accidentally left him on one of the games at the arcade. After realizing he was lost, we rushed back from our hotel to the arcade, and asked one of the security guards about seeing a paper figure. The guard feigned, saying “Oh, I think it would have been lost…. but follow me…” and took us to a corner of the arcade where there was a table, where Flat Stanley was waiting. Ethan got Flat Stanley out of jail, and I took a picture of Ethan, Flat Stanley, and the very helpful “jailer”…
At about the same time, Justin was enjoying his Harry Potter tour:
While Aaron was trying to get to Platform 9 3/4:
At one of our ports, there was a seal statue on the dock, so of course… snapped a few pics…
Some kids we found hanging out at the cannon inside the Tower of London:
Here’s Chirk Castle in Wales, first the moat:
Near Chirk Castle, we took a steam train ride, here’s a shot of the Engineer:
Did I mention that these were in no particular order? No? Well, in keeping that theme, here are some pics from our “Renewal of Vows” ceremony:
And here’s the view of London from our hotel room:
And, again, totally randomly, the ship as we approached it in harbor at Southampton:
And the kids at the Sherlock Holmes museum:
And one more at Chirk Castle, this was a Welsh warrior showing them how to wage war:
And then the last two are the kids in Scotland, Greenock I think: