Famille Du Pentium

Another Day, Another Llama Video

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Disney Summary

So here’s a summary of our vacation:

  • 15 Days; 6 on the road and 9 at the parks
  • Drove 2625 Miles total from curb-to-curb through eight states (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida)
  • Stayed at seven hotels 
  • Visited five theme parks in those nine days (Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Disney-MGM Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom plus Universal Orlando) – visited Epcot twice and Magic Kingdom three times
  • Spent $391 on gasoline
  • Took 382 pictures

More stories to come… hotel reviews next.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 3:05 pm  

Friday, June 22, 2007

MORE Disney Pictures

Some of our pictures from the Akershus’ "Princess Breakfast" character breakfast didn’t transfer due to a memory card crash.  $40 later, I’ve recovered those pictures.  They are on the gallery site, at http://gallery.famille.org/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=2351&g2_fromNavId=x7d2902f3.

This was basically some Disney princesses as face characters attending breakfast with us, kind of like the famous Castle breakfast only easier to get reservations.  The kids (except Aaron, as you’ll see from the pictures) had a great time, and I’m glad I was able to recover the pictures.


posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 7:01 pm  

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Disney Dining How-To

Having just experienced the Disney dining plan, I figured I would share some of what I learned about how it works, what it does, how to use it, etc.  This is not a post for folks looking for stories about our family’s recent trip to Disney – those will come later.

I won’t go into the sales schtick, but basically you can now pre-pay Disney for your meals.  You pay a dollar amount up front, and with your resort charge / room key / park ticket  card you can now use dining "entitlements" which basically pay for an entire meal.  Basically here’s how it works: under the standard plan, for each night that you stay at a Disney resort (not Day that you have a park ticket – this is important) you get one snack, one counter service meal, and one table service meal per person who is staying in your room.   Sounds simple, right?  Now, add to that, each "meal" includes various things like: appetizers (one each per person in your party, per meal, per day), non-alcoholic beverages with unlimited refills, desert, and tips – this is for the table service.  For counter service, you get a basic meal (sandwich and side [e.g. burger and fries], drink and desert) for each entitlement.  You can also use your counter service entitlements for things like a large pizza (pick-up only) at your resort counter-service canteen, including drinks and desert.  Lastly, you get one snack per day per person, which can be used for any snack-type treat (including bottled water) in the park, up to $4.00 value.  The "snacks" can also be used for many breakfast items (such as donuts, a bag of bagels, packets of cream cheese, etc.) at the resort gift shops.  So they are pretty flexible.

Now the big question is, what’s at stake?  Is Disney just giving away it’s food at a discount?  Well, there are some tricks, traps and gotchas of course.  First of all, your meals start the first day you check into your resort.  So start eating early.  Second, they are priced based on full meals – if you don’t normally eat (or don’t think you can force yourself to eat) appetizers, entrees, and desert every day, you might lose out versus just paying for small meals.  Third, your meal entitlements all expire at midnight the day that you check out of your resort – whether you’ve used them or not.  And they cannot be carried over, even with park tickets that have no-expire option (remember, the meal plan is tied to your resort stay, not your tickets).  So you have to do some planning in order to make it work out in your favor.  Here are the three basic planning strategies from which to choose:

1.  Plan each and every meal, and maximize your usage of dining entitlements.  If you are having a cheap meal one night, don’t use entitlements – save them for more expensive meals later, so you use the most entitlements on "expensive" food.  This requires a lot of planning, dedication and willpower, and is also subject to blow up on you if your meal plans change.  If you saved your meal entitlements for later in your visit for a visit to an expensive Disney restaurant, and then your plans change and you don’t eat there, you risk letting your entitlements expire because your vacation ends before your meal chits run out.

2.  Start using your entitlements immediately for each and every meal, and burn through them quickly  so as not to waste any.  The problem with this is, you might end up using chits for cheaper meals, then run out, and have to pay for more expensive meals. 

3.  Don’t worry about chits and per-meal costs and maximizing or even using everything up; just ensure that you eat more value over the course of your visit than you paid Disney up front.  This was our approach, and it worked out pretty well.  We did let some (counter service) entitlements expire, but we used our table service chits for expensive restaurants and character meals, and overall (I figured this out) we spent less on meals than if we didn’t use the dining plan.  The benefit here of course is that you don’t have to plan each and every meal, you just generally make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth and let things roll.

Now for some final details:

-Each person in your Disney resort reservation gets 1 snack, 1 counter, and 1 table-service meal entitlement per night that you are registered at a Disney resort.  These entitlements are pooled together, and you can use them for whoever you wish*

*With the caveat that Disney differentiates child meals and adult meals, and also differentiates child meal entitlements and adult meal entitlements.

-Table service entitlements cannot be used for counter service meals, and vice-versa.  Snacks can be used to buy water, cookies, desert treats, soft drinks, etc. almost anywhere (and a wide variety of breakfast foods from the resort gift shop – important point!)

-Not all Disney restaurants accept the Dining plan.  Most notables are: Rainforest Cafe at AK (and probably Downtown Disney), many of the Downtown Disney restaurants (notable exception is Planet Hollywood, which is a very expensive restaurant and good way to get your money’s worth on a table-service chit).  Disney publishes a guide to all the DD restaurants – I don’t have a link but you can go to Disney.com. 

-Disney meal chits don’t automatically get you into table service restaurants, without a priority seating reservation.  If you don’t make reservations (anywhere from 60-180 days in advance of your trip), in many cases you will not be able to get into a sit down / table service restaraunt, and your valuable table service chits will go to waste.  Make those Disney dining reservations early!

It remains to be seen whether this becomes a value add from Disney or not.  I think it is – even though I wasted a few counter-service meals, I paid about as much for a family of five for seven nights as I would have paid for seven table-service meals.  As such, the counter service and snacks were all just gravy (pardon the pun).  I came out ahead.  Disney, of course, constantly tweaks their programs and offers and prices, and will no doubt eventually move the break-even bar a little closer to what they make – meaning more planning will be required.  The big question is, is the additional planning and rigor on vacation worth the savings? 

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 8:02 pm  

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Vacation #1 Pics

OK here they are: http://gallery.famille.org/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=1249

A few notes:

  • Within each sub-gallery, they are unsorted
  • There are multiple pages, in both the main gallery and each sub-gallery
  • Magic Kingdom pics are all three days, >180 pics
  • The rest should be pretty clear


posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 6:59 pm  

Monday, June 18, 2007

We’re Home!

Actually, we’ve been home since yesterday afternoon.  Still working on uploading all the pics, and I’ll do some stories and reviews later.  It’s been a somewhat tiring two weeks, not much of a restful vacation but hey – when you have kids, that’s what you’re in for.  So now Marla and I must rest up. 

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 7:48 am  

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 11 – Universal Orlando / Royal Pacific Resort

Hi!  As expected, we’ve blown through two more days of travel and eight days at Disney and I haven’t had any time to post.  We’ve been to Disney and left now (reviews, trip stories, etc to come later) and now we’ve moved on to the second leg of our journey – Universal Orlando.

We’re checked in, our car is parked, and our luggage is here.  Tonight, we swim then take the ferry over to CityWalk to eat and then crash.  Tomorrow we go to Universal (the actual Theme Park), then Blue Man Group (SHhh!  It’s still a secret to Aaron).  Friday we start making our way back home to Chicago. 

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 5:37 pm  

Monday, June 4, 2007

Pics So Far – London and Savanah

Pics from our travels from Chciago to London (KY) to Savanah:


posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 8:29 pm  

Sunday, June 3, 2007

London, KY

It’s about 4 PM (Eastern) or 3 PM in Chicago, and we just arrived in London, Kentucky. 

We took Chicago Skyway to I-65 south, then after some interchanges, roughly I-64 east, followed by I-seventysomething south to London.

About central Indiana, we went through a torrential downpour that made it hard to see over the front of the car.  Still, averaged about 60-70 MPH all the way here, and we’re here early!  (Next time, I’ll have to plan to go even further south). 

At lunch, we found a Cracker Barrel but the wait was 30 minutes for a seat, so we decided to go to this place called "Waffle House".  Big mistake.  Tiny tables, poor selection, and the food was so-so.  For $30 (including tip) for a family of five, it’s very economical.  But the food just wasn’t very satisfying. 

Tomorrow it’s off to Savannah, Georgia and Ethan’s birthday party!  I hope you all RSVP’d that you’ll be there … 😉

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 2:03 pm  

Saturday, June 2, 2007

On Vacation

We’re leaving tomorrow, hopefully I will have some time to post our adventures from time to time here.  If not, it’ll all get caught up when we return in Mid-June. 

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 6:29 am  

Monday, May 21, 2007

My Family Vacations

So it’s just under two weeks until we leave for Disney.  First, I want to give you an idea of what our "day at rest" is like.  This is our down day:

– Breakfast at Boatwrights, 7:50 AM
– Swimming until Lunch.  Lunch at Disney Studios (forget which restaurant)
– Laundry & more swimming
– Horse-drawn carraige ride at the resort
– Dinner at Planet Hollywood (in Downtown Disney)

So a lot of people have called me crazy, because I’m going to:

  1. Drive from Chicago to Orlando with three kids
  2. Spend eight days and seven nights in Disney World
  3. Spend two days and one night in Universal
  4. Drive home to Chicago

So what’s in it for me?  Here’s the story.  I work very hard.  Some of you know who I work for, as a general rule I don’t mention them here.  So most of the year, I’m working 50-70 hours per week (including weekends) and in between that I spend as much time with my family as possible, usually a couple hours a night and the weekends.  All of our time together is rushed, and going anyplace is a battle of wits – keeping the kids under control, quiet, and focusing on their activities or meals so we can move on to the next one.  

Not during vacation.  We go to restaurants, and they either adore our children or we go elsewhere.  Hotels either have a pool, or we go elsewhere.  We don’t rush.  We relax – yes, WITH the kids.  They may be running around, but we sit back and enjoy watching them.  For once.  We don’t hurry them, or ourselves.  And we generally don’t worry (too much) about how they behave (within reason).  

If all this relaxing and taking it easy seems to contrast with my previous posts about how much planning goes into a family vacation, let me explain.  We (mostly I) plan, so that we *can* relax.  I have the money planned, in fact I’m overbudgetted enough that I don’t have to worry about whether that Pirates of the Carribean sword is in the budget or not.  And even though we have a schedule, we actually plan for a lot of time to sit around and enjoy ourselves. 

For instance, road trip:

  • Two hours driving
  • One hour rest break
  • Two hour driving
  • Two hour lunch
  • Two hour driving
  • One hour rest
  • Two hour driving
  • Check into hotel; eat, swim and sleep

Overplanned?  Sure.  But LOTS of time to sit back, relax, and enjoy ourselves.  We build this planned rest into our vacation, and without it we would probably end up rushing around to catch up with a schedule we never made.  So this is nice.

posted by Michael Humphries-Dolnick at 5:24 pm  
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